On history in Jorge de Trebisonda's Rhetoricorum Libri V: introduction, edition, translation, notes and indexes



rhetoric, history, historiography, George of Trebizond (Trapezuntius), Rhetoricorum libri quinque, Hermogenes, Cicero


The present work includes the translation into Spanish and the critical edition of the chapters "On history" in the Rhetoricorum libri quinque of George of Trebizond. Numerous notes to the translation, as well as valuable indices and a brief introduction to the text are added, in which we have studied the main aspects of the rhetorical doctrine of Trebisond applied to the historiographic genre.


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How to Cite

On history in Jorge de Trebisonda’s Rhetoricorum Libri V: introduction, edition, translation, notes and indexes. (2007). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 2, 27-65. https://revista-taliadixit.unex.es/index.php/TD/article/view/191

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