Edition and translation of János Zsámboky’s Speech Oratores ante poetas esse a pueris cognoscendos (1552)



János Zsámboky, Johannes Sambucus, Rhetoric, Oratory, poetry, school, school speech


Edition and translation of the speech Oratores ante poetas esse a pueris cognoscendos, pronounced by the Hungarian humanist Johannes Sambucus (János Zsámboky, 1531-1584) at Sorbonne University in Paris (September 1551) and published one year later in Basel, as appendix to his Δηµηγορίαι, hoc est, conciones aliquot ex libris Xenophontis of Paedia Cyri, an anthology of speeches drawn from the Cyropedia that was aimed at students of Greek language in general and Oratory in particular. The edition and translation of the Latin text is preceded by a small introduction in which a brief sketch of the author and his work is specified, as well as the fundamental features of the speech under analysis.


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Author Biography

  • Joaquín Villalba Álvarez, University of Extremadura

    Full Professor
    Area of Latin Philology
    Department of Antiquities


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Instrumenta studiorum

How to Cite

Edition and translation of János Zsámboky’s Speech Oratores ante poetas esse a pueris cognoscendos (1552). (2018). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 13, 45-74. https://revista-taliadixit.unex.es/index.php/TD/article/view/175