The art of portraiture in the Annals of the Emperor Carlos V by Francisco López de Gómara



López de Gómara, Annales del Emperador Carlos V, Biographical portrait


The purpose of this paper is to study in depth the magnificent collection of biographical portraits included by Francisco López de Gómara in his Annales del Emperador Carlos V. Even though most literary critics have commented on the outstanding quality of these portraits, they have not been studied from a rhetorical or historiographical perspective. Therefore, it is our goal to describe the rhetorical and historiographical principles underlying Gómara’s creations and to identify the classical and contemporary models that inspired his work as a biographer.


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How to Cite

The art of portraiture in the Annals of the Emperor Carlos V by Francisco López de Gómara. (2007). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 2, 67-93.

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