Ghosts of the past versus soldiers of the present: rhetoric and historiography in the new cultural approach to Greco-Latin military history


  • Juan Carlos Iglesias-Zoido


Ancient historiography, Ancient Rhetoric, Ancient warfare, J. E. Lendon


The purpose of this paper is to analyze in depth some of the implications that have the recent publication of the book of J. E.Lendon (Soldados y fantasmas. Historia de las guerras en Grecia y Roma, Barcelona: Ariel, 2006) for the study of the relations between rhetoric and historiography in the graeco-roman Antiquity.


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How to Cite

Ghosts of the past versus soldiers of the present: rhetoric and historiography in the new cultural approach to Greco-Latin military history. (2020). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 2, 221-233.

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