Between the laudatio and the prayer: the adlocutio sponsalis in Neolatin epithalamia



Neolatin Poetry, Epithalamium, Rhetoric, Christian prayer


The poetic tradition has established the so-called adlocutio sponsalisat the end of the epithalamia as a common topic. Here the poet, or a divinity (frequentlythe goddess Venus), adresses the couple to incite them to sexual union and to wish them everlasting love, harmony, happiness, prosperity and descendants. The epideictic rhetoric for the nuptial subject already prescribed the orator to wish these desiderata, especially gathered in a prayer to the gods. In the Latin epithalamia of the 15th-16th centuries we can see some variations of the adlocutio─sometimes shaped as a Christian prayer─that emphasize the laudatory features inherited from Antiquity


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How to Cite

Between the laudatio and the prayer: the adlocutio sponsalis in Neolatin epithalamia. (2013). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 8, 45-64.

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