Ἐμπειρία, πόλεμος and ἱστορíα in the Historiographical Method of Polybius



Historiographical method, Experience, Politics, Warfare, History


The historiographical approach of Polybius’ Pragmatic Historyattracts our attention towards theexperience and professional training of literary authors and protagonists of his account: in particular, political and military issues. In our opinion, Polybius’ Histories must be understood as been writing by a seasoned military historian, as can be seen particularly in the report of military events.


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How to Cite

Ἐμπειρία, πόλεμος and ἱστορíα in the Historiographical Method of Polybius. (2014). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 9, 1-21. https://revista-taliadixit.unex.es/index.php/TD/article/view/245