Considerations on the oratorical representation according to Aristotle´s Rhetoric and its relations with the theatrical representation



Aristotle, Rhetoric, Performance, Greece, Theater


This article aims to study the oratorical representation from Aristotle ´s Rhetoric. We will inquire the specific procedures to place the representations within their generic specificity. The oratorical representation will also be studied in relation to the procedures of theatrical performance. Our hypothesis is that Aristotle does not identify both representations in terms of their procedures and semantics but only as acts of representation. We claim that their common procedures acquire particular semantics and work according to the norms of each discipline. We object the reading that some critics have done of the treatise ˗and that has arrived until today˗ which ensures the philosopher argues that both representations work in the same way. Our analysis conceives both disciplines in a dynamic interaction and not one subordinate to the other in the sense of imitating or taking procedures without refunctionalizing them.


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How to Cite

Considerations on the oratorical representation according to Aristotle´s Rhetoric and its relations with the theatrical representation . (2017). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 12, 19-38.