The 'stásis' in the Greek Poetry of the Archaic Era (7th-6th BC)



Stásis, archaic Greek poetry, Elegies, Iambus


Stásis as a political phenomenon arises in Archaic Greece as a consequence of the absence of
written law, tyrannical governments and the iniquities due to the excessive accumulation of wealth by the
aristocratic class. Didactic epic, elegies and iambus describe social unrest in the different póleis. The stásis is
narrated, sometimes explicitly, sometimes indirectly, in poems and fragments that transmit the state of permanent
conflict during the first centuries of history of the Greek póleis.


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How to Cite

The ’stásis’ in the Greek Poetry of the Archaic Era (7th-6th BC). (2020). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 15, 1-31.