Database / Indexing
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Evaluation Process
1. All manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original and must not have been previously published in other journals or as a book chapter.
2. Once the work has been sent, the authors will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail with the date of receipt. This date will be considered as the starting point of the evaluation process.
3. The works received by the journal will be analyzed by two or more referees (at least one of them will always be an external specialist and will not belong to either the Editorial Board or the Advisory Board of the journal), who will not know the identity of the author, and who will issue a report on the scientific content, originality, adequacy to the editorial line of the journal and interest of the article.
4. All the reports follow a model previously established by the journal's Editorial Board, which refers to both the form and content of the work and its suitability for the journal's editorial line.
5. In the event that the work is accepted for publication in the first instance, the authors must take into account the referees' report(s) in order to re-elaborate, if necessary, the aspects indicated.
6. In any case, in view of the corrections made, the final decision on the publication of a work falls on the Editorial Board.
1. Talia dixit undertakes, in accordance with a code of good practice, to communicate the final acceptance or rejection of the originals within a maximum period of three months from receipt of the work in the editorial office of the journal.
2. This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research available to the public free of charge, which encourages a greater exchange of global knowledge.
3. This journal does not charge for the submission and processing of articles.
1.- Presentation Page: The title (in the original language and in English), name(s) of the author(s), two abstracts (one abstract in English and one in the language of the article), Keywords (in English and in the language of the article), and any other data serving to identify the author (university, postal address, e-mail, etc.) should be on a first unnumbered page to preserve the author's anonymity.
2.- Abstracts should be a minimum of 75 and a maximum of 200 words.
3.- Article text: The content will conform to the sample edition attached both in the body of the text (font and size, margins, line spacing) and in the footnotes.
The works, once adjusted to this format, should not exceed 25 pages, including notes, bibliography and possible appendices.
If Greek characters are used, they must be of the Unicode type (Palatino Lynotipe, New Athena Unicode, GR Times, etc.)
4.- Footnotes will be placed after commas, dots or semicolons.
5.- Bibliographic references:: The citation procedure adopted implies that, at the end of each paper, a bibliographic list of all the publications (books, articles and book chapters) referred to in the article will be included. The model to be followed is as follows:
Books: Marincola, J. (1997), Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography, Cambridge: University Press.
Articles: Faulhaber, Ch. (1973), “Retóricas clásicas y medievales en bibliotecas castellanas”, Ábaco 4: 151-300.
Book Chapters: Walbank, F. W. (1985), “Speeches in Greek Historians”, en Selected Papers. Studies in Greek and Roman History and Historiography, Cambridge: University Press, pp. 242-261.
In a footnote it will be quoted using the following model: “Burgess (1902: 229-233)”. In the body of the text, the names will be quoted in round letters: "Como señala Burgess,1 "
The names of scientific journals will be quoted in full and, as far as possible, no abbreviations will be used.
6.- The names of ancient authors will be cited from the usual repertoires of abbreviations.
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