Retórica en la Estoria de Espanna de Alfonso el Sabio


  • Charles F. Fraker University of Michigan


The redactors of the two Alfonsine histories are perhaps more grammatical than rhetorical; the free Castilian versions of their Latin originals are more notable for their clarity than for their eloquence. The editors do, however, apply two figures of rhetoric routinely throughout their text, transitio and aetiologia. A few passages on the Estoria de Espanna go much further. Two narratives there feature dramatic application of two Quintilianesque figures of amplification, comparatio and ratiocinatio. Other sections display a sort of quasi-classical prose, notable for its artful isocola and antitheses, and marked by a fine concern for prose rhythm. This last feature might suggest that the compilers had some knowledge of the ars dictaminis.


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Comment citer

Retórica en la Estoria de Espanna de Alfonso el Sabio. (2006). Talia Dixit. Revista Interdisciplinar De Retórica E Historiografía, 1, 81-104.

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