John Marincola, On Writing History. From Herodotus to Herodian, translated with an Introduction and Notes by J. M., London: Penguin Books, Penguin Random House UK, 2017, pp. LXXI + 600. (ISBN 9780141393575)


Mots-clés :

Historiografía, Retórica, Historiografía griega


RESEÑA A: John Marincola, On Writing History. From Herodotus to Herodian, translated with an Introduction and Notes by J. M., London: Penguin Books, Penguin Random House UK, 2017, pp. LXXI + 600.  (ISBN 9780141393575) 


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Comment citer

John Marincola, On Writing History. From Herodotus to Herodian, translated with an Introduction and Notes by J. M., London: Penguin Books, Penguin Random House UK, 2017, pp. LXXI + 600. (ISBN 9780141393575) . (2018). Talia Dixit. Revista Interdisciplinar De Retórica E Historiografía, 13, 75-85.

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