Military harangue from the perspective of Greco-Latin controversial tradition



Harangue, Military treatises, Rhetoric, Onasander, Vegetius, Frontinus, Polyaenus


This paper proposes an analysis of the considerations regarding harangue in Greek and Latin military treatises. The instructions provided by Onasander and Vegetius, in their treatises, as well as by Frontinus and Polyaenus, in their collections of strategemata, display some particular and very useful features to better define the space of harangue in Greco-roman written doctrine de re militari: the harangue right moment, the execution, the conventions and conditions, its particular aim in every situation, the eventual practical limitations.


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How to Cite

Military harangue from the perspective of Greco-Latin controversial tradition. (2007). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 2, 1-25.

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