The Third Sophistic. Theoretical Approaches to Historiography, Late Antiquity and Postmodernism



Rhetoric, Late Antiquity, Third Sophistic


The study of Late Antiquity has generated an increasing interest not only within the realms of the Imperial Greek and Latin literature but also within the rhetorical milieu of the Roman Empire. In last decades, efforts have been made to try to categorize rhetorical works from the fourth to the sixth centuries under a unified term, namely “Third Sophistic”. The impact of such a denomination has led to the naming of several contemporary philosophical, historiographical and literary movements. The aim of this paper is to study, survey, and discuss in further detail these “Third Sophistics” that have appeared over the course of recent decades.


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How to Cite

The Third Sophistic. Theoretical Approaches to Historiography, Late Antiquity and Postmodernism. (2010). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 5, 75-90.

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