The word "probatio" between Rhetoric, History and Roman law


  • Emanuele Santamato University “Federico II”, Naples


Probatio, Proof, Building contract, arbitratus, locatio conductio


The word probatio points to an approbatory statement, delivered by the magistrate or another public authority, in connection to a document or work presented for examination. The present study intends to offer a wider view of its meanings, which will take into account how differently the term is used in trials, and in scientific, administrative, contractual fields. Part of the essay will be devoted to explain some uses of the term among the most important latin historians. The aim is to enlighten, among the meanings of the term, its “contractual” nuance, which seemed to us the most essential one for the complete understanding of the word.


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How to Cite

The word "probatio" between Rhetoric, History and Roman law. (2012). Talia Dixit. Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography, 7, 31-71.

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